
National Farm Attractions Network

The Animal Attraction Assured certification scheme (AAAS) is an annual inspection at a farm park. It is an optional scheme which audits the animal attraction to ensure they have implemented the Industry Code of Practice to the highest standard.

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Countryside Educational Visits Accreditation Scheme

The Animal Attraction Assured certification scheme (AAAS) is an annual inspection at a farm park. It is an optional scheme which audits the animal attraction to ensure they have implemented the Industry Code of Practice to the highest standard.

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Great Green Toys

Welcome to our special feature on “Great Green Toys”! Let us dive head first into the world of eco-friendly and sustainable toys that are not

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Animal Attraction Assured Scheme

The Animal Attraction Assured certification scheme (AAAS) is an annual inspection at a farm park. It is an optional scheme which audits the animal attraction to ensure they have implemented the Industry Code of Practice to the highest standard.

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